

We exist to aid your child’s natural development from birth to maturity.
Our approach is to:

  • Trust the deep inner drive your child has to meaningfully participate in and contribute to their world;
  • Create environments that allow your child to joyfully discover the world and their unique place in it; and
  • Collaborate with you in the loving growth of your child.
  • To fulfil our purpose we are led by Montessori principles and practice.

“The exercises of Practical life are formative activities, a work of adaptation to the environment, such adaptation to the environment and efficient functioning therein is the very essence of useful education.”


“The senses, being the explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. It is exactly in the repetition of the exercises that the education of the sense consists: the aims of exercises is not that the child shall know colours, form and the different qualities of objects, but that he refines his senses through an exercise of attention, of comparison, of judgment.”


“The bond between the human beings is their common intelligence and language is the vehicle that makes the abstract intelligence of the community possible.”


“Children display a universal love of mathematics, which is par excellence the science of precision, order, and intelligence.”


“...the first thing the child’s education demands is the provision of an environment in which he/she can develop the powers given by nature.”


"In our classroom, art is about expressing creativity as opposed to bringing home a finished product. It is the artistic process: inspiration, focus on completion and expression of their vision that we encourage, regardless of the outcome. Our art related work is generally open ended, allowing limitless creativity."


"Stories and story weaving sessions will take place in the classrooms and in the library/activity room. Stories will also be recounted through the visual arts and crafts, drama enactments and songs. Through stories, we aim to instill good habits, values, positive eating habits and personal hygiene. A well-stocked library will further enrich the child’s world."