
“The bond between the human beings is their common intelligence and language is the vehicle that makes the abstract intelligence of the community possible.”


Between the ages of 18 months to 3 years old, children go through a language ‘explosion’. Language is part of every activity we have. Maria Montessori observed that children rapidly and naturally absorb languages with ease, whereas, after the age of 6, language acquisition becomes more of a challenge.

Research strongly supports the benefits of bilingualism. Studies show that children under the age of 3 who are exposed to two or three languages at the same time, enjoy more cognitive benefits, along with their social and emotional development. It also develops their math, logic as well as problem solving skills.

Language materials are designed to enhance vocabulary and explore both written and spoken language. Through language-based activities, such as the sandpaper letters and the moveable alphabet, children learn phonetic sounds and how to compose words phonetically. They then start reading, building and blending words and eventually progress to blends and Digraphs.